Building Friendships that Last a Lifetime
Ecclesiastes 4:9–10 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.
For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!

Important Dates and Times

July 21 - 26

Pot Luck Dinner
July 20 5:30 PM

Sunday Morning Service
July 21 10:30AM

Evening Services
July 21 - 26 7:00PM

Evening Tea Room
After Evening Services

Bible Study
July 22 - 26

Youth Camp Registration
July 21

July 22 - 26
9am – 11am


Becoming a member of Big Lake Campmeeting Association is one of the best ways to give. We need, (we want!), people who are willing to give their time, their expertise or their opinion. We need people to pray for BLCA. It takes all different kinds of people to keep this campmeeting moving forward. You may have a new idea or a different solution that may be just what BLCA needs. If you are a former camper, this is your chance to get involved in BLCA as an adult. Please consider joining BLCA. Once you join, be sure to attend the annual meeting each year . We look forward to seeing you there!

Big Lake Campmeeting Association Membership Form.

Association By-Laws and Constitution

The Big Lake Campmeeting Association has a deep rooted history on the shores of Big Lake. Below you will find our By-Laws and Constriction. They were first adopted under the Laws of the State of Maine in 1918. They were then Amended and Revised on August 13, 1966 and July 29, 1995 and Reprinted in 1999.

Big Lake Campmeeting Association By-Laws and Constitution 2018 Digitization Rev 01 - Voted on and approved at the 2018 General Membership Meeting.

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