2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly
or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Important Dates and Times

July 21 - 26

Pot Luck Dinner
July 20 5:30 PM

Sunday Morning Service
July 21 10:30AM

Evening Services
July 21 - 26 7:00PM

Evening Tea Room
After Evening Services

Bible Study
July 22 - 26

Youth Camp Registration
July 21

July 22 - 26
9am – 11am

Welcome to Big Lake Campmeeting Association

Campmeeting Preparation

In 1903, a small group of Christian believers founded a summer camp in a rural part of downeast Maine. It has been operating ever since, some years with volunteers and a shoestring budget, but every year offering the gospel to a community of believers, seekers, and unchurched.
Washington County, Maine is a community in need. With one of the highest unemployment rates in the US, even those with full time wages have difficulty making ends meet. High fuel costs and harsh winters sometimes make warmth a priority over food. And in a recent survey, 82% of the residents of Washington County indicated that their religion was NONE. It would not be an understatement to say that some families in this community are living in desperation.
Big Lake Campmeeting seeks to reach out to this community and meaningfully provide hope and spiritual fulfillment in partnership with local churches. It costs just $195 to sponsor a child for a full week of sleep-away camp, providing nourishment for the soul and the stomach that they might not otherwise receive. This summer six children chose to be baptised by immersion at the conclusion of camp week.
We exist to share the love of Christ and the good news of the gospel, bringing others to know God's mercy, justice, grace, and love by serving as living ambassadors for Jesus Christ. We aim to bring inspiration to the local community by offering spiritual, emotional, and nutritional nourishment.
All are welcome at Big Lake Campmeeting where Advent Christians, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholics, Pentecostals, and others join together in worship. Please help us make a difference in the lives of the families of Washington County, Maine. By sponsoring a child or contributing any amount you will be helping us fund camp fun, worship, gospel music, dining, and other events that we bring to the community.

As we approach another summer’s camp meeting we encourage you to give toward ongoing expenses. Preparing and hosting camp meeting each summer places a significant drain on our resources. We are thankful that every year those funds have generously been provided.

If you made a pledge last summer, we thank you. If you are able to contribute over and above that pledge it will be appreciated. You can use the link below or mail your tax deductible donation to:
Big Lake Campmeeting
PO Box 762
West Chester, OH 45071

Thank you for your support! May God's grace and peace be with you.

Facebook Donate Button: Donations received through Facebook are not charged any fees (100% of your donation goes BLCA) but do require an account to donate.

Facebook Donate Now

Square Donate Button: Donations received through Square have a very small fee deducted from them when transferred but do not require an account to donate.

Square Donate Now

2023 Remembrance Gifts

In Memory of:

Given By:

In Memory of:

Given By:

Richard Denney

Jeannie and Nick Denney

Erwin Flewelling

Russell and Noelle Carle

Pat DeGroot

Susan and John McRorie

2022 Remembrance Gifts

In Memory of:

Given By:

In Memory of:

Given By:

Richard Denney

Jeannie and Nick Denney


Suean Palmer

Donald and Edith Palmer

Scott Palmer

Rev. Timothy P. Story

Jill and Makr Story

Erwin Flewelling

Joyce Hett

Erwin Flewelling

Nancy Tarr

2021 Remembrance Gifts

In Memory of:

Given By:

In Memory of:

Given By:

Richard Denney

Janet Stohlman

Louis Dodd

Janet Stohlman

Richard Denney

Jenney and Nick Denney

Donald and Edith Palmer

Scott Palmer

Phyllis Ross

Hanna and John Stohlman

*Note: Donations in Memory or in Honor are updated on a monthly basis. If your donation for the year listed is not reflected on this page please email our Treasurer.