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Big Lake Campmeeting Association: July 19-25, 2025

Important Dates and Times

July 19 - 25

Pot Luck Dinner
July 19 5:30 PM

Sunday Morning Service
July 20 10:30AM

Evening Services
July 20 - 25 7:00PM

Evening Tea Room
After Evening Services

Bible Study
July 21 - 25

Youth Camp Registration
July 20

July 21 - 25
9am – 11am

Welcome to Big Lake Campmeeting Association

Big Lake Campmeeting 2025

November 2024
Dear Big Lake Campmeeting Family,

Thanksgiving in Maine…family, friends and a bounty of food graced our table. Looking back on summer, I am thankful for yet another near-record youth camp. The girls far outnumbered the boys, resulting in 4 cabins for the girls versus 2 for the boys. What a joy it was to hear campers singing, playing and swimming, and to watch multiple baptisms in our beautiful lake.

I am happy to report that Joe Veals’ challenging and powerful messages will be enjoyed again next summer, as he has agreed to return. Our cooks, nurse, co-directors, and advance team are also planning to return. Praise God that our youth camp will be able to touch so many young lives. But we need your help.

A large part of our youth camps’ success was due to the $25 youth camp early registration fee, with the balance of the campers’ fee being paid by generous scholarship gifts. Many of the campers would not be able to attend without this help. Your gift of $250 can send a child to camp and bring the love of Jesus into their life. We have a goal of raising 29 camper scholarships this year. Will you consider giving all or a part of one of these scholarships?

We continue to improve our facilities and several capital improvement projects were completed in 2024. These included replacing the electric panel, wiring, and lights in the Tabernacle and Youth Cabins, a new asphalt roof on the Crocket Building, all new toilets in the bathhouse, and new windows, door, and porch for McCloud, and a new floor, and stairs in Veronica. We also completed our window replacement in Crocket and Memorial. Thanks to each of you who have supported these improvements with your labor and your dollars.

Campmeeting 2025 is shaping up to be even more successful. In order to fully cover our financial obligations, we ask that you to prayerfully consider a tax-deductible gift to Big Lake Campmeeting as part of your year-end giving. Please give as you are able, and I pray you had a Blessed Thanksgiving and are looking forward to a Blessed Christmas.
John Stohlman, Treasurer

Big Lake Campmeeting Association is a qualified 501(c)3 tax exempt organization, EIN 82-1697587.

Please click a donation button below or mail your check to:
Big Lake Campmeeting Association
PO Box 762
West Chester, OH 45071

Facebook Donate Button: Donations received through Facebook are not charged any fees (100% of your donation goes BLCA) but do require an account to donate.

Facebook Donate Now

Square Donate Button: Donations received through Square have a very small fee deducted from them when transferred but do not require an account to donate.

Square Donate Now

Youth Camp Registration Now OPEN

Youth camp registration is now open!

For five generations, Big Lake Campmeeting has been a meeting place for those seeking the comfort of God’s presence, and the courage to face this life in all its complexities. Rich in heritage, but with our eyes fixed on the future, our mission is to reach out to young and old alike with the love of God.
At the height of summer, we offer a place where you can find encouragement, help and rest in one of the most beautiful settings on earth.
Visit our site, or better yet, visit us at Big Lake, Maine. You’ll be glad you did!

Below you will find links to our online camper registration form, our brochure, and a printable registration form.

Big Lake Campmeeting Youth Camp Brochure Big Lake Campmeeting Youth Camp Registration Form